The KONIK 5000 is the 12th generation of KONIK GCs being perfected since 1978 by the GIBNIK Technical Team. The 5000 C is the only one GC in the world purposely designed for Multidimensional HPLC+GC and “turn-key purposely engineered multivalve systems” (RGA, NGA, PONA, PIANO, TOGA, Biofuels, …) complying to ASTM, USP,… norms.
- Desig optimized for all conventional and special GC applications including Multivalve-Multicolumn Systems (RGA, NGA, PONA, PIANO, TOGA,…),
- Purposely designed for Fast and Multidimensional GC-GC and patented Multidimensional HPLC+GC and HPLC+GC-GC.
- The superb low inertia, fast heating and cooling, high precision oven(+/-0.1 ºC displayed)
- Unique Cold Septum (purgeless) injection technology
- Exceptional carrier and detector gases flow controls.
- Full range of detectors with their fast electrometers
- State-of-the-art electronics, based on FPGA,s and micro embedded PC,s,
- Integral diagnostics and remote control of the systems via internet and simple TCP/IP protocols.
- Multimodal and Multi-technique Sample Preparation and Sample Introduction is provided by the unique RoboKrom
- Static Head Space (HS), Dynamic Purge and Trap (P&T), Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME), Thermal Desorption, Sample Derivation and Micro-Concentration in one systems.
- High Resolution modular system integrated in one structural unit.
- Flexible customization for any applicaiton and easy reconfiguration of the unit by adding the required options for the analysis desired: injector options, detector options, valve switching devices, back-flushing devices, auto-sampler, interfaces (olfactive, biosensors, transfer line for GC-MS, HPLC+GC coupling interface,…), Special Sample Introduction Systems ( Pyrolyzer, Head Space, Purge&Trap, …) control software, data processing, etc.
• All injection options available (conventional, capillary, PTV, sampling valves for gas and liquid samples…)
• Compatible with any kind of column: capillary, megabore, packed (SS or glass)
• Cold Septum Purge-Less Injector design
• Electronic Pneumatics Control (EPC)
• Overheating Protection
• Ready Active Control
• High performance and low thermal inertia oven design with expanded temperature range from
-90ºC to 490ºC. Thermal inertia is dramatically minimized with perforated oven walls.
• Fastest heating and cooling oven: from 450ºC to 50ºC in less than 300s.
• PID Temperature control.
• Temperature resolution: 0.01ºC, 16bit ADC. 0.1ºC accuracy displayed.
• Two oven flaps, for maximum temperature stability even close to ambient temperature.
• Temperature gradients inside the oven have been reduced by forced air circulation.
• Oven is also pre-drilled to allow the installation of valves (sampling and switching), external interfaces (MS, FTIR) and other peripherals.
• Up to 25 positive and negative temperature ramps from 0.1ºC/min to 130ºC/min in 0.1ºC/min steps. Up to 26 isothermal periods.
• FAST GC option up to 500ºC/min using standard columns.
• Dual overheating protection, by hardware and software.
The new electronics of the GIBNIK GC 5000B Series based on FPGA technology of the latest generation has been developed to exceed the performance of all its predecessor microprocessors. Here are some of its crash throughs:
• Windows menu driven Touch PAD TFT Interface, 262566 colours/pixel
• Control of 8 isolated heated blocks at 16 BIT ADC (more than 0.01ºC precision) by PT-100: oven, 3 injectors, 3 detectors and one additional point of control
• Control of 2 points at 16BIT ADC by fast control PT-100
• Control of 2 points at 16BIT ADC by thermocouple with increased range up to 2000ºC (specially designed for Konik Quantitator®)
• Autoswitch on/off, Stand-by mode
• Self testing and autodiagnostics
• Power fail memory protection
The GIBNIK Detectors are of modular design for quick interchangeability. Their unique design provides the best in flexibility and speed. KONIK offers a wide range of detectors such as: FID, TCD, ECD, NPD, FPD, Dual FID/FPD, OLFACTORY, PDHID/PDECD, MSD.
• Modular and interchangeable detectors
• With digital electrometers and amplifiers
• Any type of column
• Automatic Autozero
• Independent Temperature Programming
• Control RAC® (Ready Active Control)
• Highest detectability
• 15 x PWM at 24 for EPC valve control
• 16 x 16 bit ADC for Pressure/Flow sensor
• Electronic Pneumatic control (EPC) with free choice of carrier gas.
• Up to 150 psi, designed for FAST GC
• Flow/pressure programming up to 5 ramps (0.01psi/min to 150 psi/min or 0.01ml/min to 1000ml/min) with 6 isobaric steps
• Pressure precision: 0.0015 psi (100 psi) and 0.003 psi (150 psi)
• Flow precision: 0.01ml/min
• High split ratios up to 9999:1 (depending on carrier gas)
• EPC for detector gases
For more information please request latest catalogue and/or application notes to
GC-MS Gas Chromatography – Mass spectrometry
Since 2004: The GIBNIK first generation of mass spectrometers, the KONIK MS Q12, featured a revolutionary design, providing the power of three mass spectrometers in a single platform. These were achieved with fast and easy interchangeable ionisation sources for EI/CI/+/-, ESI/APCI/+/- and DIP/DEP/EI/CI/+/- . The compromise of multi-source flexibility inherently limited some other parameters such as detection limits in some modes.
The new KONIK GC-MS Q2 is being focussed to achieve, rather than flexibility, utmost sensitivity, resolution, robustness, reliability, with high scanning speed and sample throughput.
After more than 10 years representing VG, The GIBNIK Technical Team, in cooperation with former French Riber and Nermag specialist, developed an innovative MS that has set the bases o a new generation of KONIK high sensitive EI/CI MSs. The new Q2 is designed for smaller foot print and less bench space, optimum performance, robustness, easy of use and overall lowest costs. Can be upgraded to HPLC+GC-MS.
Powerful, dedicated, bench top quadrupole mass spectrometer with advanced ion source and ion optics design. Developed to become the detector of choice for high resolution gas chromatography.
Suitable for research as well as routine, for both qualitative and quantitative analysis.
All sample introduction options: GC, unique HPLC+GC and Solid Probe. Fast and easy interchangeable ionisation volumes for EI/CI/+/-, and DIP/DEP/EI/CI/+/-. The Direct Inlet Probe (DIP) is ideal for determinations of the Mass Spectrum of pure compounds (previously separated by TLC, LC or other)
Utmost sensitivity, robustness and reliability. Unit resolution over the wide mass range of 1.200.
High scanning speed of up to 20.000 amu/sec across every GC peak and over the complete mass range, this allow achiving…
Lowest detection limits (less than 10 fg of OFN he KONIK MS Q2 provides optimal sensitivity both in Full Scan and SIM modes.
Absolute sensitivity in any mode can be further enhanced in many unique ways by propietary GIBNIK technologies ( the patented HPLC+GC enrichment interface , on-line derivatización, Negative Chemical Ionization of derivatives,…) while simplifying sample preparation. (See the Multidimensionals HPLC+GC-MS System section) or for more information click here)
Dual filament ion source and automatic switching, guarantees continuous duty and reliable performance.
High performance quadrupole with Pre-filters
Automatic Leak check feature included in the instrument selftest which checks electronics, voltages, temperatures, on all MS parts.
GC, DIP/DEP, RoboKrom, and unique HPLC+GC upgrade and On-Line derivfatization options
- The KONIK GC 5000C: An outstanding front end inlet for optimum GC-MS results. The KONIK GC 5000C gas chromatograph has been purposely designed for MS Coupling on the left hand side, and for HPLC coupling on the other right hand side, from front view, for easy upgrade anytime to the innovative Multidimensional HPLC+ GC or HPLC+GC-MS patented options. On top of the unique temperature and pressure control accuracies (0.1 ºC oven stability displayed in real time and 0.001 psi pressure accuracy) the KONIK GC 5000C includes a tight injector (no septum purge) that prevents back streaming of moisture and oxygen to the system, thus enhancing ionization efficiency, while protecting sample integrity, inhibiting volatile loss and facilitating the heavy molecular weight compounds transmission to the column head.
- DIP/DEP probe: Expands the range of applications to high molecular weight compounds. A dedicated fast exchangeable ionisation source allows both solid and liquid samples to be analysed directly without chromatography. This technique allows the analysis of pure sugars, amino acids, polymers, pharmaceuticals, proteins and high molecular weight compounds that cannot pass through a capillary column. The KONIK DIP/DEP ionisation source combines both EI and CI for positive and negative ions. The spectra of the samples are obtained by placing a small quantity of pure sample inside a crucible onto the probe.
- The KONIK RoboKrom Multimodal Autosampler for AS, HS, P&T and/o SPmE. The KONIK Robokrom ™ Multimode Autosampler meets the most demanding requirements of accuracy, precision and performance. It can be easily configured in seven working modes: GC liquid sampler, HPLC liquid sampler, Head Space, Purge & Trap, Solid Phase Micro Extraction, Thermal Desorption and Fraction Collector. With unmatched flexibility and performance is offered in two versions an XY, two axes system, and a three axes X,Y,Z with optimized trays for the widest volume ranges and variety of vials in dependence of the application (please enquire).
- KONIK Multidimensional HPLC+GC Coupling Interface: The innovative patented KONIK HPLC+GC COUPLING interface marries in synergy the separation and fractionation potential of LC and HPLC to the separation, selective detection, quantization and identification of GC and GC/MS, while opening new dimensions and pushing forward borders only limited by your imagination.
- KONIK On-Line Derivatizer®. This patented on-line derivatisation system, the KONIK Derivatizer®, allows that non-volatile compounds trapped into the HPLC+GC interface are rendered volatile by using the chosen derivatization reagents in order to enhance, at will, selectivity and lowering detection limits. Higher mass, non-volatiles, polifunctional molecules can be handled with this On Line-Derivatization option.
A dual, inert, EI and CI ion source for both positive and negative ions. Chemical Ionization (+/-) is optional for ideal lowest detection limits of a wide range of high electronegative compounds, with selection of up to two reagent gases. The unique design of the ion source provides extremely fast exchange.
The ultra-high efficiency Electron Impact (EI) and Chemical Ionization (CI) ion source design features a removable ionisation chamber, source exit lenses and long-life emission filaments for fast and easy maintenance and replacement. Inert materials used in the ion source ensure better ionisation efficiency and long term day-to-day reproducibility.
The user can choose between dedicated ion sources (for EI or for CI) for ultimate sensitivity or the new dual inlet source for both EI and CI without component replacement
The research-grade quadrupole analyser that is fitted into the KONIK GC-MS Q2 is a 220 mm long, with mass ranges of 1 to 1.200 amu optimised for high sensitivity GC/MS. Auto tuning automatically adjusts the resolution at 0.5-0.7amu at half height, making unit mass resolution over the entire quadrupole mass range.
With manual tuning Resolution can be adjusted up to 2.5M. Plug-in RF-only pre-filters enhance high mass transmission and prevent direct contamination of the quadrupole analyzer by filtering high masses.
The pre-filters can be easily removed, for cleaning, leaving the quadrupole totally maintenance free ensuring more stable and higher sensitivity with lower background noise.
The KONIK GC-MS Q2 ion detector is based in a ±10 kV off-axis post acceleration high energy conversion dynodes and a long-life gas-sealed electron multiplier that ensures years of reproducible analysis and reduces the operational cost to the minimum. The detector design ensures comfortable routine work and stable quantization at high mass.
The Focus-Out electrostatic lens focuses the ions exiting the quadrupole and injects them to the HED. Neutral particles are deflected by optimized ion optics thus preventing them reaching the high sensitivity electron multiplier detector, thus improving absolute detection limits by optimal S/N ratio.
Reliable, erosion resistant turbo pumps options (250 lt/sec standard) increases the pump life-time reducing drastically the system down-time and operational cost. Large bore flanges for higher throughput and higher conductance increases the pumping efficiency.
The pumping down time is extremely low, less than 5 minutes from atmospheric to operational vacuum. The high pumping capacity increases the system applications to wide bore 0.53 mm ID columns with unlimited choice of stationary phases, allowing high flows in EI mode amenable to wide bore and PLOT columns. Computer-controlled electro-valves and gauges provide automatic vacuum operation by a simple click of a mouse.
All the heaters and high voltages are automatically switched-off in case of a leak. The venting valve can be attached to an inert gas supply to purge the complete system, avoiding Oxygen, moisture and water vapour contamination.
The flexibility of the KONIK GC-MS Q2 is unmatched by any other bench top MS in the market. Tuning of the spectrometer and mass calibration are easily performed from a dedicated menu. All the mass calibration and tuning parameters are automatically saved in the method.
One may have as many method files as you wish, depending on the working mode, resolution and sensitivity requirements. A particular method file can be uploaded at any time. You can choose Autotune to ensure day-to-day reproducibility for routine analysis or manual tuning.
Manual tuning facilitates optimizing key parameters to achieve the higher levels of sensitivity required by certain methods and specific analysis. Optimized full scanning is used for identifying unknown compounds while selected/single ion monitoring (SIM) operation allows detection of specific analytes with increased sensitivity relative to full scan mode.
Simultaneous Scan and SIM operation in the same run can also be performed. Ultra fast Scanning Speed (20.000 amu/sec) with high technology firmware is ideal for use of high resolution GC peaks, fast eluting peaks, with narrow-bore capillary columns for faster analysis and lower detection limits. The KONIK GC-MS Q2 build in TCP/IP communication protocol makes instrument fully remote control from the Internet. This includes not only data processing, data transfer and data export/import but also total instrument control, servicing, diagnostics, software and firmware updates, tuning and mass calibration, inter-lab methods sharing, etc. from any place in the world.
KONIKROM MS software offers easy control of the GC/MS and supports the NIST mass spectral library, automatically identifying and naming eluted compounds. The software allows the MS to be run on Scan mode and SIM mode simultaneously in one chromatographic analysis.
The KONIKROM MS software supports automatic and manual tune for enhanced sensitivity, stability and reproducibility of MS data with intuitive menus. Data acquisition, qualitative analysis, quantitation and reporting are performed easily through interactive and dedicated applications. SIM and Full Scan spectra can be simultaneously acquired during the same run, providing more data and information in a shorter time. Three acquisition modes and several pre and post acquisition options expand the KONIK MS Q2 flexibility
The KONIK Q2 GC-MS is one of the most, not to say the most, sensitive MSD of its class as can Detect less than 10 femtograms (1×10-16) g in Single Ion Recording mode (SIR) upon injection of 100 fg of the standard OFN. A S/N ratio higher than 1.500:1 is obtained upon injection of 1 pg of OFN in scanning mode (50-300amu), thus providing unmatched sensitivity for trace level analysis of target analytes. In addition GIBNIK offers:
• Better qualitative results and high selectivity as we have to our advantage the HPLC selectivity added to the GC and SIM MS,
• Lower detection limits thanks to the enrichment stage by trapping of volatile compounds like in P&T methods, in the HPLC+GC trapping interface
• Simplified sample preparation by the LC/HPLC single or multiple fractionation steps,
• Full automation by the Robokrom Autosampler and automatic switching valves,
• Time saving and cost reduction by simplifying or eliminating all the tedious sample preparation steps.
• Simple method adjusting and/or simplified new methods development allow to explore the full potential and benefits of this new technique at easy
• Sample integrity guarantee at each level
• Recoveries are improved as compared to other techniques
• Lower quantitation errors,
• Unsurpassed flexibility by the use of any LC/HPLC column,
• Any polar and non-polar solvents,
• Flexible solvent volumes and
• A wide choice of universal or selective trapping materials in the HPLC+GC Coupling interface,
• Widest range of applications extended to analysis of any volatile as well as non-volatile compound by GC using the new KONIK Derivatizer ® patented on-line derivatization option.
For more information please request latest catalogue and/or application notes to
HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography
The GIBNIK Technical Team has been developing HPLC’s since 1985 after the introduction of the KONIK HPLC 500 in Chemasia 1985 in Singapore.
Four generations of HPLC’s have paved the road to the new KONIK Liquid Chromatography lines that include now in addition to innovative microbore HPLC, also “state of the art” Ion Chromatography with electrochemical suppression.
The new KONIK 580 HPLC is the fifth generation of low pressure gradient forming systems after the pioneer KONIK 500 launched in 1985.
Robustness, compactness, modularity, multidimensional HPLC+GC options and upgradability with attractive price/specifications are the key features of this laboratory workhorse. A wide range of detectors, column ovens, autosamplers, derivatization (pre and post column) and customized multifraction collection options with special valving systems are available on a “turn key” bases.
- Tower design and small foot print of 30×50 cm takes little bench space.
- Robust, flexible and reliable second to none,
- Fast/high pressure HPLC ,
- Low pressure 4 solvents gradient formation, or high pressure binary gradients.
- An upper pressure limit of 60 MPa (600 bar or 8.700 psi),
- Flow range from 0,01 to 10 ml suitable for micro and conventional HPLC
- Wide range of columns particle sizes (1,5, 3, 5 and 10 microns) including new low backpressure hollow packings,
- Isocratic, and preparative versions (40 Mpa and 0,1 to 50 ml/min) ,
- Easy exchange of the pump head,
- Lower pulsation and lowest noise level,
- Optimum accuracy and reproducibility of gradient formation,
- Compact oven for column temperature control and better reproducibility
- The 580 oven is now housed in the same modular chassis of the 580 series.
- Four solvent, low pressure mixing gradient formation for utmost flexibility and reproducibility
- Built in solvent degassing.
- Column and detector switching options,
- Unique column back flushing option to increase productivity,
- The HPLC 580 has been purposely designed for utmost compatibility for Multidimensional HPLC+GC, HPLC+GC-MS and/or HPLC-MS, hence facilitating future expansions while opening new dimensions for critical analysis..
The 580 pump is a multipurpose, multifunctional pump available with three pump heads optimised for: Analytical HPLC with flow range from 0,01 to 10 ml, and Semi preparative, with flow range up to 50 ml and Preparative HPLC with flow ranges from 1 to 100 cc/min upon exchange of pump head.
Can work as: Isocratic, Four solvents gradient with low pressure mixing concept, and/or High pressure binary gradient formation. With flow rate ranging from 0.01 to 10.00 ml/min. and a pressure limit of 40 MPa (400 Bar/5.800psi) this pump is suited for most analytical applications in liquid chromatography. Particularly optimised for Multidimensional HPLC+GC-MS options.
It is designed following the KONIK HPLC 500 Isokinetic Flow Delivery principle we pioneered in 1985. This implies the use of dual pistons working in series to minimize pulsation with an improved pulsation dampening algorithm, while improving solvent mixing in the gradient forming process.
The KONIK HPLC 580 Pump facilitates highly reproducible and accurate gradient forming by mixing at low pressure the chosen solvents prior to introducing the mixture in the pump head. This is done by the use of very fast, microelectrosolenoid valves under computer control. User selects the solvents and defines the desired gradient and built in algorithm does the rest (see the KONIK 580 Solvent Manager). The 580 pump can also be used in isocratic runs by choosing any of the 4 solvents and or producing constant mix of any of the four in any chosen proportions. Mechanically the pump offers utmost reliability and robustness, along with accurate and reproducible flows. Easy exchange of pistons, seals and check.
When using certain chemically aggressive mobile phases, such as buffered solutions, it is important to be able to rinse, wash and/or flush pistons and seals to properly protect them. A piston/seal backwash option is offered for the KONIK 580HPLC Pump.
This module is used with the KONIK 580 Pump for gradient formation of up to 4 solvents mixed at low pressure. It is made up of four way microsolenoid valves controlled by the KONIK 580 Pump. The 580 SOLVENT MANAGER includes a highly effective, fast response and low internal volume, 4 channel solvent degasser with advanced gas permeation membrane technology. Solvent degassing is important to prevent bubble formation upon low pressure solvent mixing and it is much more economical than He degassing as we used in older model 500. The Solvent Manager tray fits up to 6 solvent bottles. An additional solvent selection valve can be optionally fitted.
Accurate gradient formation is a very important feature when the HPLC is coupled to the GC for Multidimensional HPLC+GC or HPLC+GC-MS. In fact the HPLC fraction or fractions are introduced into the patented HPLC+GC interface by switching a valve located at the column outlet. This is done on a time bases in relation to retention volumes of the particular method and gradient chosen. Accuracy and reproducibility of the gradient formed is key to integrity of the fraction(s) introduced and hence reproducibility and reliability of results.
Retention volumes (retention time of the analytes) reproducibility is enhanced by temperature control of the columns. Also, as Partition Coefficients between mobile and stationary phases are a function of temperatur, hence temperature control in addtition to facilitate retention times reproducibility allows you to optimize separation while shortening total analysis time.
The KONIK 580 Column Oven has a temperature range of +5ºC to 99 ºC with an accuracy of +/-0,2ºC and fits up to 3 columns of up to 25 cm length. It is controlled by the KONIKROM Data System computer (via RS232 or Eternet) or by its own keypad. For intrinsic safety it is fitted with a leak detection alarm
KONIK HPLC UV-Vis 580: The 580 UV-Vis covers the range 190 to 800 nm continuously with spectral band width of 6nm. Has high sensitivity and low noise of ± 3•10-6 AU and drift. Several detector flow cells are available, easily interchangeable, for analytical, semi-preparative or flash chromatography. The 580 UV-Vis is controlled by the KONIKROM Data System.
The 580 UV-Vis is fitted with one high intensity long life Deuterium discharge lamp for the UV range and Tungsten lamps for the visible region. Two, Reference and Sample, measuring channels allow easy detector diagnostics as well as registration of operational hours. Wavelength Calibration to +/- 1 nm is automatically performed every time the lamp is switched on. Digital andanalogue outputs are included.
KONIK HPLC DAD 580: The 580 UV-Vis Diode Array Detector is designed to facilitate full spectrum (190 to 840 nm) or simultaneous four wavelength measurements. Control of peak purity is performed by an optional KONIKROM module. Lamp life control, calibration, etc is similar to the 580 UV-Vis.
KONIK 580 RI: Is used for detection of null or low UV absorption compounds such as sugars, polymers, … in isocratic runs. It is rather universal but sensitivity is somewhat limited compared to other detectors. The 580 RI has low drift, noise, accurate flow control and fast equilibration times for optimal performance.
KONIK 580 FL: More than 80% of organic compounds are fluorescent when excited with the proper wavelength. Fluorescence might encompass high sensitivity with selectivity. The 580 FL offers a wide range of excitation and emission, from 200 to 700 nm (900 nm optionally), and signal to noise ratio better than 350:1. It includes a rapid scan feature, of both excitation and emission, quite suitable for method optimization.
KONIK HPLC ELSD 580 Evaporative light scattering is an interesting universal detector that complements RI detection when gradient elution is necessary. It is particularly suitable for non-volatile substances soluble in normal HPLC solvents. A series of six nebulizers are available to optimise different applications.
KONIK Q4 HPLC-MS: This is by far the detector of choice in HPLC as offers the best of all worlds: selectivity, low detection limits, unequivocal total mass spectrum information … The main handicap has been its high cost compared to the other as well as its technical complexity. The new KONIK Q4 offers mass range to 2000, hence suitable for proteomics (trypsin digest) and all main ionization modes ESI/APCI/APPC.
CONDUCTIVITY AND ELECTROCONDUCTIVITY DETECTORS are described in the new GIBNIK ION CHROMATOGRAPHY brochure describing the new KONIK 590 IC Plus for Anion, Cation, and Organic Ion Analysis.
Standard Rheodyne Valve 7725 I for manual injection and the KONIK ROBOKROM AS HPLC that is the optimised Multimode-Multifunction Auto Sampler for HPLC applications. The X-Y-Z version offers 3 tray options of 32 vials of 6, 10 or 20 ml, 105 vials of 2ml, or 171 vials of 1ml. A lower cost two axes, X-Y, is available with a tray holding 15 vials of 2ml basically sufficient for a full day job (15 sample runs of average 30 minutes for an 8 hour journey).
For higher precision, more accurate temperature regulation, lower injection volums and less carryover please consider the KONIK HPLC Autoampler 580 a generic autosampler for HPLC and LC-MS using state-of-the-art injection technology with fast injection and wash cycles. Efficient, multi-solvent needle wash virtually eliminates carry-over. The HPLC 580 Autosampler handles well plates and sample vials, either open or sealed, and provides true 4°C sample cooling. It is a compact, stackable design with unrivalled performance. Injection modes: Full-loop, Partial loop-fill, µL-pick-up, Pressure Assisted Sample Aspiration using ~10 PSI sample headspace pressure to avoid air bubbles in sample lines. Injection volume Programmable from 0 µl – 9999 µL ,1 µL increments. Max injection volume depends on installed sample loop and injection mode. Injection precision: Full-loop injection ‹ 0.3% RSD, Partial loop-fill ‹ 0.5% RSD, µL -pick-up‹ 1.0% RSD, For injection volumes › 5 µL
The KONIK HPLC 580 has been designed to perform as the ideal front end of the patented MULTIDIMENSIONAL HPLC+GC and/or HPLC+GC-MS with unique options, also patented such as “On-line derivatization” where the HPLC is responsible to introduce the reagent and solvent mixture into the HPLC+GC trapping interface. Other HPLC option for this advanced “Triple Analyzer Technology “ that increases productivity by reducing total analysis time is columns “backflushing”. For this option and multiclumna, multivalve columns and detector switching please inquire about the KONIK HPLC 600B updated chassis and microcontroller.
For more information please request latest catalogue and/or application notes to
HPLC-MS Mass Spectometry
The Konik LC-MS Q4 is based on a quadrupole mass filter with ion optics optimized to provide the best sensitivity in all LC/MS ionization modes, this is ESI and APCI, positive and negative ions.
ESI and APCI are switchable in an easy and fast operation.
Thanks to the new LC ESI/APCI source (combined also APCI/ASAP for solid analysis optional), the Konik LC-MS Q4 covers a very large LC/MS application spectrum

The KONIK HPLC-MS Q4 ESI/APCI/APPI is a high performance, low cost, fast scanning, compact, dedicated single quad HPLC-MS with a wide range of high performance sources:
ESI (electrospray),
APCI (Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization),
APPI (Atmospheric Pressure Photo Ionization),
ASAP (Atmospheric Solid Analysis Probe) as well as other probes such as DART (Direct Analysis in Real Time).
The Q4 handles a wide range of HPLC flows, can be adapted to handleTLC plates. We offer two mass range options 1200 and 2000 amu.
he Q4 is able to handle a wide range of flows working from 10ul/min up to 1ml/min (2 ml/min in APCI).
Compact and low foot print iIn all configurations, can be used in routine as well as for research work.

Easy To Use
The KONIK HPLC-MS Q4 offers the following inlet options:
Analytical HPLC and U-HPLC,
Direct Injection, Preparative,
Flash chromatography
TLC optional interface.
- Dual Electrospray/Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (ESI/APCI) sources for positive and negative ions.
- Atmospheric Pressure Ionization interface: patent pending design reduces contamination, allows for small vacuum pumps and reduces size and cost.
- Complete automatic and manual tune modes
- Choice of analog inputs, contact closure inputs, and digital and analog programmable outputs for easy customization of “turn-key” solution packages.
- Full Scan y Single Ion Monitoring (SIM), los modos de análisis de masas.
- Electron multiplier ion conversion detection system for positive and negative ions.
Acquisition rate: 10,000 m/z units/sec (compatible with UPLC)
Resolution: 0.5-0.7 amu units (FWHM) at 1000 amu units/sec over entire acquisition range.
Mass Range from 10 to 1200 amu ideal to small molecules, natural products and small peptides
100 pg of Reserpine, (5ul injection at a flow 100 µl/min) produce a signal-to-noise ratio (calculated peak to peak) of 100:1 RMS for the protonated molecular ion at m/ z 609 when the mass spectrometer is operated at unit mass resolution in full scan mode, scanning from m/z 100 to m/z 1200.
Gas supply: Nitrogen 99% pure. 4 Bar (60 psi for APCI or 40 psi for ESI). ¼” tubing.
Gas consumption: up to 10 L/min
Weight and Dimensions: MS 70Kg; 26x11x22”
Rotary Pump 30kg; 10x9x18”
Line Voltage 100-240 VAC
Line Frequency: 47-63Hz
Power Consumption: 300VA max MSD and 550 VA max Rotary Pump
For more information please request latest catalogue and/or application notes to
Multidimensional HPLC+GC-MS is a new technology that complements advantageously and eventually replaces other, particularly MS-MS, in determination of organics in complex matrix
At the heart of the systems is the patented HPLC+GC coupling interface depicted below: This original enrichment interface, covered by several international patents, allows the selective elimination of the HPLC solvents, both apolar and polar, used in all types of chromatography and specifically in reversed phase HPLC where other earlier attempts for this HPLC+GC coupling have failed.
The analytes of interest are trapped in proven and reliable quantitative absorbing-desorbing materials such as proprietary treated TENAX ® and the like in accordance to the application. While this trapping process is performed the HPLC solvents are selectively eliminated by the patented fluid dynamics of the interfaced.
- Simplify and/or eliminate tedious sample preparation steps
- Minimize use of solvents
- Guarantee sample integrity
- Shorten dramatically total analysis time
- Reduce total cost per analysis
- Lower detection limits
- Determination of both target and unknowns by easy NIST search
- Handle non-volatiles by the On-Line Derivatization option
- Increase selectivity and lower detection limits by proper derivatization
- On-line automatic fractionation/clean up of complex mixtures
- Absolute quantitative analysis without reference standards
- Petroleum fingerprinting, fractions, chemicals and petrochemicals
- Target and emerging environmental pollutants
- Constituents of foods and beverages
- Pharmaceuticals and bioactive substances
- Life Sciences and clinical chemistry
- Toxicology and forensics,…
- R&D in all fields to determine at easy target as well as unknowns
The system allows the use of any GC detectors as well as Mass Selective Detectors. In consequence GIBNIK offers two types of systems the GIBNIK HPLC+GC K2 with standard GC detectors (FID, ECD, FPD,…) and the GIBNIK HPLC+GC-MS K2Q2 coupled to the innovative KONIK GC-MS Q2 Mass Spectrometer
GYBNIK policy is to deliver all these Multidimensional Systems only as “Turn-Key-Purposely Engineered-Customized-Tailor Made Analysers”.
Occasionally a prior feasibility study is required. Please contact us so we can discuss in depth your problem(s)(need(s) and provide you an specific proposal and quotation.
For more information please request latest catalogue and/or application notes to
The team behind the GIBNIK-KONIK instrument development programme has been active in Chromatography since 1978 when the KONIK 2000 A GC, purposely designed for capillary chromatography, was introduced. In 1985 the same team developed the first low pressure mixing, gradient forming HPLC that among other options could perform, with the limitations at the time, ion analysis. In 1997 developed the first multimodal robotics and autosamplers for GC (HS, P&T, SPmE;…) and HPLC, in 2002 the first multimodal Quadrupole MS with exchangeable sources optimized for EI/CI GC-MS and ESI/APCI HPLC-MS.
Recently, after expiration of key patents in suppression technology, and GIBNIK’s long time positive experience in the use of of inert thermoplastic materials such as Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK), facilitated GIBNIK to enter the ion chromatography selected group of manufacturers. PEEK has excellent mechanical properties and chemical inertness, that GIBNIK uses for a long time in other designs of their current product programme that includes GCs, HPLCs, and MS. We developed thie new KONIK IC590 Plus with confidence, likewise we did with the other instruments to date, adding value to the “IC turnkey solution packages” that we are currently offering and those that we will continue to develop in the near future.
With the new KONIK IC 590 Plus GIBNIK has introduced a high sensitivity anion and cation analyzer with innovative suppression technology. All KONIK ICs are delivered as “turnkey systems”, as an integral customized package all included, for the group of ions of interest in the chosen matrix.
KONIK IC 590 Plus
In fact there are a few technologies integrated in modern IC,s that GIBNIK did care to optimize at every level based on their life long experience of near 40 years of designing and manufacturing advanced analytical equipment. Among these technologies the pump and fluidic parts play a key role, the multiple types of available columns and column oven compartment too, the conductivity, electrochemical, and photometric detectors, as well as the optional suppression technologies, all play significant roles in Ion Chromatography.In the KONIK IC 590 Plus we have integrated what matters most under a user’s point of view:
- PERFORMANCE, ROBUSTNESS AND RELIABILITY: Derived from strict quality controls in place
- FLEXIBILITY, MODULARITY AND EASY OF USE: Streaming from the innovative designs made
- SENSITIVITY AND LOW DETECTION LIMITS: Result of the proprietary technologies developed
- WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION: Based on our unique “Turnkey-Zero Risk” policy, including training of end users in Barcelona prior delivery of the systems and commissioning by factory qualified engineers.
KONIK IC 590 Plus
Purposely designed for ION Chromatography all wetted materials are totally chemically inert. Pump head and flow path are integrally made of PEEK and non-metallic materials. The whole system is inert and resistant over the whole range of pH: 0-14
With a flow rate of 0.01 to 5.00 ml/min. and a pressure limit of 35 MPa ( 5.000 psi) this pump is suited for optimal applications in Ion Chromatography. It is designed with main and auxiliary pump heads connected in series following the KONIK HPLC 500 Isokinetic Flow Delivery System patented back in 1985, with a piston diameter of 1/8”. This new sophisticated pump unit achieves precise and reproducible isocratic flows with utmost reliability, safety and precision. Backwashing of pistons is standard (Plunger cleaning: double plunger with continuous automatic cleaning). Pump maintenance is also now easy as seals, washers, and pistons are easy to disassemble. Degassing is included to prevent bubble formation (Single,or Dual optionally, automatic online)
The KONIK IC 590 Pump is supported by KONIKROM PLUS software, but can be independently controlled by the pump front panel as well, with its own display and elegant keyboard and cursor.
KONIK IC 590 PUMP specifications
– Accuracy of flow rate (1ml/min. 12MPa H2O) ± 2,5%
– Repeatability of flow rate (1ml/min. 12MPa H2O) ± 0.2% RSD
– Accuracy of pressure measurement ± 2%
– Adjustable lower pressure limit 0.0 – 35.0 MPa (protection) the lower
– Adjustable upper pressure limit 1.0 – 40.0 MPa
– Limit can be set lower than the upper limit. If it exceeds set limit, the pump automatically stops.
– Setting of components concentrations* 0.0 – 100.0 %.
– Communication RS485, Optional USB.
The heating/cooling column oven with a big compartment room can accommodate up to 2 columns and the suppressor (anion and/or cation). Unit is controlled by keypad or via RS232 . Precise temperature control enhances separation and reproducibility while improving the quality of analysis. Peltier technology offers the possibility of heating and cooling shielding the unit from room temperature variations.
Suppression mode: recycling
Inhibiting amount: Anionic 100mmol NaOH
Equilibration time: <15min Anion suppressor current control: 0-200mA, with 1mA increments. KONIK IC ELUENT GENERATOR Eluent concentration range: 0.1-50mM Eluent species: OH-, CO3, 2-/HCO3, -, MSA Incremental concentrations: 0.1mmol / L Flow rate range: 0.5-3 .0mL/min Operating temperature: -40 ºC temperature Operating Humidity: 5% -85% relative humidity, non-condensing
The KONIK IC 590 Conductivity Detector is an integrally digital, micorprocessor controlled, detecotr. The conductivity cell can be operated at up to 10 kHz. It features a wide dynamic and measuring range from 0 to 15000μS. The conductivity cell tempeerature can be set by the user anyhwhere for room temeprature to 60 ºC. Temperature Stability is ≤ 0.005 60ºC. The small volume (<1μL) conductivity cell, likewise the rest of fluidic parts of the KONIK 590 IC Plus, is made integrally of PEEK. THE KONIK IC 580 UV-VIS PEEK The version IC PEEK of this classic HPLC detector has continuously variable wavelength in the range of 190 600 nm and noise level is ± 3•10-6 AU. It is easy to operate; light intensities for reference and sample channels are available for detector diagnostics as well as information on lamp operating hours. The detector performs automatic wavelength calibration after the lamp has been switched on. High standard deuterium lamp in a special socket enables easy exchange. Output signal is available in both digital and analogue form. Detector could be controlled, programmed and used together with KONIKROM PLUS software via RS232 or Ethernet interface. The cell can be easily removed from the front of the unit. All fluidic parts are PEEK for maximum chemical inertness.
With a low dead volum the cell maintains the efficiency of the separation, while the mirror polished cell avoids hydrodynamic disturbances. Low noise elec tronics provides sensitive and selecti – ve detection in the picogram range. The electronic transfer between electrode and compound in solution occurs only if the working potential is held at the right value to oxidize or reduce the compound ; the detector is blind when the compounds react above this value. The digital display shows all important parameters for efficient interpretation : volt or nA / V, output data, volt or nA / V, offset, potential, time constant, base line decay, sensivity, chromatogram, etc.
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ROBOKROM ® Multimodal autosampler +10 Operating Modes
The KONIK ROBOKROM is a powerful, flexible and versatile multimode autosampler and autoinjector that meets the most demanding requirements: reproducibility, accuracy and precision in all operational modes.
It can be configured in 10 modes:
- GC Auto injector of liquid samples
- HPLC Auto injector of liquid samples,
- Purge and Trap (P & T),
- Static Head Space (SHS),
- Solid Phase micro Extraction (SPME),
- Thermal Desorption (TD),
- Fraction Collector,
- Dosing,
- Solvent Micro-Evaporator and
- Micro-concentrator.
The KONIK ROBOKROM® allows sequential and automatic handling of a variety of samples and sampling handling modes under controlled conditions with high sensitivity, reproducibility and accuracy. This avoids and simplifies complex preparation steps and minimizes time and solvents waste besides eradicating possible human errors due to sample manipulation. The KONIK ROBOKROM * ® is a completely independent system. As such can be coupled to any GC, GC-MS and/or HPLC system. With unmatched flexibility and performance is offered in two versions an XY, two axes system, and a three axes X,Y,Z with optimized trays for the widest volume ranges and variety of vials in dependence of the application.
• Robokrom is offered in 2 versions: A low cost XY and a complete XYZ 3 axis movements
• The horizontal arm is symmetrical: The keyboard and microcontroller can be mounted on both sides of the same to facilitate left or right ergonomic operation.
• The vertical arm supports the chosen syringes as well as the sampling needles in specific sampling modes such as SHS, P&T, and SPmE.
• 3 interchangeable trays for 32 vials of 6, 10 or 20 ml, 105 vials of 2 ml and/or 171 vials of 1 ml.
• Optional temperature control tray (TTC): all vials can be heated or cooled through a Peltier cell from 5 ° C to 70 ° C depending on the ambient temperature.
• Easy programming by simple microprocessor keyboard through simple interactive menus (20 character screen x 4 lines).
• Optional full control and programming through the KONIKROM® PLUS software.
• Application development mode and sequential method linking: up to 10 sampling methods can be stored, processed and linked through the ROBOKROM own microprocessor, and unlimited number of methods with KONIKROM® PLUS software.
• Other features: self-diagnosis. PID temperature control. RS-232 and RS-485 communication.
GC and GC-MS autoinjector
Exchangeable tray vials: tray 171 vials IML, 105 vials 2 mL vials June 32 6.106 20 mL.
Syringe Volume: 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 100, 500 uL.
Injection volume: Programmable from 0.1 to 500 uL depending on the type of syringes.
Plunger speed: Programmable from 1 to 5000 uL / s depending on the type of syringe. Programmable motion vertical sampling rate, solvent cleaning and injection.
The place of the injector: Left or right. X and Y axes mobile adaptable to any GC. Injection mode: External, internal, double and dual analyzing the same sample (dual) or different samples (double) in two columns at once.
HPLC and HPLC-MS Autoinjector
HPLC Injector: By a six way valve with fixed loop placed at the left or right of the chassis of the basic unit.
Sample volume: Loop fixed or programmable from 0.1 to 500 uL depending on the type of syringe.
HS/SHS Static Head Space. TOGA (Transformer Oil Gas). And BOC (Blood Alcohol Content) KONIK Analyzers
Temperature control: In five different parts: tray (up to 70 ° C), pre-desorption of-sorci6n, transfer lines and valves.
Road movement: Vertical vial pickup arm by magnet.
Inyeccidn volume: Variable, programmable injection time.
Injector HS: Médulo containing 6-way valve with heating to the left 0 to the right of the basic unit. Line trans- ference heated.
Syringe: special double needle.
EPC: electronic pneumatic control of the carrier gas and gas pressurization of the vial. Optional: sample stirring, fixed sampling loop
P&T, Purge and Trap, Special THMs (Trihalomethanes in water) KONIK Analyzer
Vial tray: 32 vials 6, 10 6 20 mL. Vial volume: 6, 10 6 20 mL with sealed caps.
Temperature control: All programmable temperatures: transfer line, valve, trap initial temperature, desorption temperature of the trap, trap cleaning …. Injector P & T: Médulo containing valve 10 vias with heating to the left / right of the basic unit. Heated trans- ference line.
Syringe: special double needle.
Trap: heated from -190 ° C (cryogenic opcién) to 400 ° C. Mddulo criotrap with optional LN ,. Any trap available: Tenax, Silica gel, Charcoal, OV10, mixed …. EPC: electrénico pneumatic control of the carrier gas and gas pressurization of the vial.
SPME, Solid Phase micro Extraction mode. Special Flavours KONIK Analyzer.
Syringe: Needle with special adapter.
SPME fiber type available: PDMS, PDMS / DVB, PDMS / Carboxen, CW / TPR, CW / DVB …. un- of 7-100 um, with bonded phase, unbound or partially coated.
Work mode: wextraccidn GC 6 HPLC. Optional: stirring and heating of the sample (300 ° C)
TD, Thermal Desorption mode
Syringe: special double needle.
Purge and trap with movement vial, Heating and cryogenic option.
Fraction Collector mode
Interchangeable collectors vial tray 171 vials 1 mL, 2 mL vials 105, June 32 vials 6, 10 6 20mL.
• Collected automatically and sequentially displayed in time.
• optional Monitorizacién the baseline (UV-VIS).
• Automatic collection of waste.
• Intelligent volume calculation.
Sample Preparation Modes
ROBOKROM can be time/temperature programmed to perform controlled:
- micro-evaporation of solvents and concentration adjustment
- controlled volatilization and drying,
- controlled dosage of reagents and solvents for sample derivatization
- addition of internal standards, …
Automatic addition of reagents and solvents for KONIK “On Line Derivatization”
This patented option is used in conjunction with the patented HPLC+GC Coupling interface for Multidimensional HPLC+GC-MS. Please see the corresponding section.
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- Serving Several Instruments: The station can measure data from 1 to 4 detectors, where the operation or behaviour of each of them may be entirely different.
- Multitasking: Data acquisition proceeds continuously. While a meaurement is in progress, you can evaluate/process a previous, or prepare parameters for subsequent analyses
- From any chromatographic detector with voltage output,
- Analysis conditions documented in the “Method File”,
- Customization of Acquisition parameters (star/stop, voltage range, sample rate,…),
- Customization of Integration parameters (peak with, threshold,…),
- Customization of Calculation parameters (calibration file, column calculations,…),
- Single RUN analysis/sequence analysis,
- Automatic numbering option for creating chromatoms names,
- Monitoring detector signal any time (during or not a run),
- Simultaneous measurements in all channels,
- Continuous measurement processing (snapshot command).
Data Processing
- Automatic integration as integration method parameters,
- Automatic analytical results: peak height and area, amount of compound,…,
- Calculation of parameters describing quality of the chromatographic system (asymmetry, plate number,…),
- Easy reintegration with useful commands (end/start, tangent, valley, groups,…),
- Special calculations with user created calculation formulas.
- Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of analysis,
- 20 levels of calibration with unlimeted points per level,
- One external standard method and three internal standard methods,
- Individual windows for each calibrated peak (with calibration curve and data),
- Summary table for all compounds,
- Customizable parameters: response type, curve type, force to origin,…
- User defined options
- Layout stored in the “report file”
- Previewing the report prior printing,
- Report may include: header, method information, calibration graphs, calibration tables, chromatogram, results, sequence information,…
- Post run function for analysis processing: chromatogram and calibration window automatically displayed, results printed, data exported to a clipboard, etc.
- Batch processing of chromatographic data.
- Protection of data: access rights and password to protect data
- Documentation concerning Adquisition and Evaluation of Chromatographic data: about conditions, changes,…
- Printed reports: date and time of the analysis and report,
- System Suitability Test: allows the user to monitor the function, reproducibility and accuracy of the obtained data.
Ultra Fast Scan Rate
Single Ion Monitoring And Full Scan
Quick Compound Identification
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GC and HPLC Columns, syringes, filters, vials, fittings, calibration standards, derivatization reagents, lamps, etc are available under “stocks on time ”and“ smart low cost logistics policies. A strategic alliance has been set with the Irish Reagecon for calibration standards and special reagents to push our patented “on line derivatization” HPLC+GC and “multiple fraction” Multidimensional options that require the same
For further information please download the full catalogue here or browse the main products Columns, Vials, Filters, Peripheral on each section
1 - GC Capillary and Packed Columns
GIBNIK offers a wide range of GC (capillary and packed) as well as HPLC columns individually tested and guaranteed for maximum chemical inertness and peak symmetry. KONIK reputed quality columns have been manufactured since 1978 with the XPECTRIX trade name at the time.
Gas Chromatography columns are of two types: packed or capillary. Packed columns are typically glass or stainless steel tubing filled with packing coated with the stationary phase. Capillary columns are small bore fused-silica capillary that holds the stationary phase coating its inner surface. Capillary columns provide much higher separation efficiency than packed columns but have more limited sample loading capacity.
2 - Ferrules, Fittings and Installation Kits for KONIK GCs, HPLCs, MS and Robokrom
GIBNIK provides a wide range of ferrules made from Vespel®, Vespel®/Graphite, Graphite and PTFE. We carry all types of Swagelock® and Valco® couplings to fit KONIK, Agilent, Shimadzu, Thermo, Perkin-Elmer and other instruments.
3 - GC Septa
4 - Syringes
GIBNIK carries the full range of Hamilton sampling syringes. Hamilton needles are also available in the different point styles as well as accessories such as needle cleaning kit and syringe cleaner.
5 - Gas Handling and Purification
Accurate and repeatable gas flow measurement is fundamental to obtaining good results from your Gas Chromatography. Flow meters, gas regulators, tubing, filters, traps and gas sampling cylinders and bags are included in this section.
6 - Gas Generators
High performance, low maintenance, Hydrogen, Zero Air, and Nitrogen Generators for both GC and HPLC-MS of different capacities are available.
7 - HPLC Columns
GIBNIK carries a line of products for High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) use including Analytical, Microbore, Ultrafast, and Preparative of different length, diameters, and packings (Nucleosil, Partisil, Lichorsphere,…). We offer standard columns, replaceable cartridges with our Kwik-Snap® fittings, with it own low dead volume pre-columns, and guaranteed columns compliant to pharmacopeia methods
8 - HPLC Filters, Fittings and Accessories
Mobile phase filters, solvents caps, Rheodyne and Valco nuts and ferrules, splitters, post columns reactor, mixers. We also offer a full range of HPLC Solvents and calibration standards after strategic alliances with Panreac and Reagecon
9 - GC, HPLC and MS Maintenance
Full range of KONIK Spare kits for KONIK GCs 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000, KONIK GC-MS Q12 and Q2, KONIK HPLC 500 A,B,C and KONIK HPLC 560, 580, and 600, as well as KONIK IC 590 Plus.
10 - Sample Preparation
Solid Phase Extraction Cartridges, Vacuum manifolds, Syringe Filters, Pipettes, Micro-Concentrators.
11 - Vials
We carry a line of vials, caps and seals for use in the laboratory. We offer auto-sampler vials, small volume vials, sample vials, vial inserts, headspace vials. Caps and seals are available in crimp and screw cap. Vials, caps and seals are available in variety of dimensions, and materials for all applications, most auto-injectors and samplers.
12 - Standards and Reagents
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GIBNIK offers a wide range of vacuum products, including Vacuum Leak Detectors, used in the manufacturing of our own Mass Spectrometers, as well as General and Special Laboratory Equipment of optimum price/specifications, from over 100 reputed manufacturers, as a service to our Customers and Distributors. Over the years we had strategic alliances with EHV and Alcatel. Currently our strategic partners in vacuum are the reputed Japanese ULVAC and ULVAC-KIKO.
ULVAC offers a wide range of:
• Oil Rotary Pumps,
• Anticorrosive pumps,
• Scroll,
• Booster,
• Diafragm
The VD series is a direct drive low noise oil rotary vacuum pump used in many analytical instruments and laborary vacuum systems.
This pump is suitable for a wide range of applications such as evaporator, sputtering and vacuum packaging

“Qulee” (pronounced as “KLEE”), is ULVAC’s latest model for residual gas analysis and gas monitoring during process.
Feedback from facility engineers in various production lines are incorporated in the new product design offering utmost simplicity.
The Qulee offers high accuracy and resolution even at high pressure (1Pa or less).
ULVAC’s new “Qulee HGM” residual gas analyzer series with revolutionary simplicity of use.
Offers highest sensitivity of all models at 2.5Å~106 A/Pa, Qulee HGM can meet the needs of various R&D and other vacuum system process monitoring.
This process monitoring system has been developed for various kinds of applications such as etch, CVD and other reactive gas processes. Using ULVAC’s original ion source and pumping system enables you to achieve stable measurements results.
“Qulee” (pronounced as “KLEE”), is ULVAC’s latest model for residual gas analysis. Feedback from facility engineers in various production lines are incorporated in the new product design offering utmost simplicity.
Most appropriate for system control of vacuum evaporator and various types of vacuum furnaces.